High School Band Info
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Marching Band Needs and Tips
Parent Need-to-Knows
The Gatesville Fighting Hornet Marching Band is the largest student organization at Gatesville ISD. It consists of approximately 110 students. This group begins rehearsals in the summer to be ready for the start of the marching season. The Hornet Band travels to every football game and performs at halftime. They compete in marching competitions across the state and have been consistently awarded Superior ratings at UIL Region Marching Contest, as well as appearances in the UIL Area Marching Finals. The Fightin’ Hornet Marching Band has most recently appeared at the UIL State Marching Band Contest in 2022 and 2023.
The Gatesville High School Symphonic Band is the premier performance group at Gatesville High School. This band has earned numerous awards from the University Interscholastic League (UIL) and the Outstanding Performance Series Contest in addition to being a TMEA 4A Honor Band State Semi-Finalist. This group is made of students in 9th-12th grade and are the elite of their instrumental development. The Gatesville High School Symphonic Band is under the direction of Mr. Jose Sanchez.
The Gatesville High School Concert Band is the non-varsity performing group at Gatesville High School. This band has earned numerous sweepstakes awards and consists of members who are still developing on their selected instrument. The Gatesville High School Concert Band is under the direction of Mr. Corbin Myers.
The Gatesville High School Jazz Band is comprised of saxophone, trombone, and trumpet players, as well as a rhythm section that includes drumset, vibraphone, bass guitar, electric guitar, and piano. The jazz band performs 2-3 concerts per year including a Christmas concert in December, a jazz festival in April, and a spring concert in May. The jazz band also actively performs at many community events. Interested students can join the jazz band by audition and with approval from the director. The jazz band is under the direction of Mr. Michael Hamilton.
The Gatesville Color Guard provides visual effect in the Fightin’ Hornet Marching Band. The Color Guard students use visual implements such as flags and rifles while also contributing choreography to our marching band productions. Membership in the Color Guard is based on application and audition in the spring. The Color Guard is under the direction of Mrs. Jeanette Collins and Mrs. Jennifer Simpson.